Please note that this website is still in development. Please contact for more information about Vale of Clwyd Scouts.

About us

Each week we help over 250 young people right across the Vale of Clwyd (Denbighshire) to learn skills for life and take part in adventurous activities. We have a dedicated team of over 100 adult volunteers who help to make all of this possible.

Be part of something amazing

At Vale of Clwyd Scouts we give over 250 young people the chance to become do-ers and give-it-a-goers every single week. From teaching them to cook a meal, to giving them the confidence for their university interview, we set them up with skills for life.

We welcome everyone in Scouts as we know that there’s a challenge and an adventure waiting for all whether you are joining us as a young person or as a volunteer.

“I have made friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Scouting has been a part of my life since Beavers and I hope it remains that way.”

Isaac, Bobcat Explorers

Alongside our Friends in Flintshire, Llangollen and Wrexham, we form the four districts that make up Clwyd Scouts – the area that supports Scouting in the North East of Wales.